Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Dec. 15th 2007

I have a few minutes to blog before having to get up and do stuff.

Erik, Jake and Bekah are all napping. Mike is watching t.v. and I am trying not to fall asleep. We hired this grad student to hang our art, mirrors and shelves. Erik grumbled alot for not giving him the chance to do it but now that it is done he is happy. It was done all in one day and there was no nagging, fights or yelling at the kids. Worth every penny to me.

We have a party to go to at Gymboree after naptime. The kids have a cold but it's a few days old and I think I will just de-booger them and pray they don't cough too loudly and give themselves away. Right I am going to wash all the boogers off of Mike, change his shirt which he keeps wiping his nose on and take him with me to get a bday present. I also need to drop off a jacket I bought for boy in a family my mom's club adopted.

From now until next week I will be getting ready to have about 30 people here for the Lyman/Timberlake Xmas bash. We will do some Hanukkah as well. Hopefully everybody will mix well. I might have to keep a couple of strong personalities in seperate rooms. Or maybe I will just stay out of it..........

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