Monday, September 7, 2009

Fairyland and the 1st Day of Kindergarten

Wow I have really been neglecting the family blog. I did finally get around to uploading these cute pics from Fairyland in Oakland. We went there with our dear friend Auntie Laura who nannies for 2 cute kids.

Bekah being a surly 3 year old.

Auntie Laura and her nanny monkey.

I just bought Bekah a Dorothy costume for Halloween yesterday! So damn cute!!

Mike is going to be Optimus Prime.

Old school puppet show.

The weather was perfect that day.

Mike started kindergarten and is mostly doing great!
Our trip to San Diego for Bill's wedding was perfect except I was hiding the fact that I was really sick and ended up in the hospital for 3 nights when we got home.
My stay in the hospital has contributed to Mike having some bad days at school.
The medications make me cry and I hate crying!!!!
I am looking forward to October and 2010!

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