Tuesday, July 21, 2009


WTF!!! The morning I am to leave for Vegas I wake up to see that I have started my period! This is a huge deal because I have not had a period since March of 2005. Almost 3 years with out a menstrual cycle and it couldn't wait until I came back from Vegas? The Universe has a sick sense of humor. So it's Pamprin and vodka crans for the rest of the weekend.

Ok I will only say it once,"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

Actually it wasn't that crazy. I mean don't worry there was excessive drinking, gambling and semi-nudity, just nothing too scandulous. Considering there was 14 of us, everything went flawlessly. No drama, no puking. I even got some shopping in.

We saw the show Zumanity which is Cirque de Soleil except practically naked. Our friend Martine remarked that she feels inadequate in the bedroom now and feels compelled to add some backflips into her sex life.

While I was stuffing my face at a mediocre buffett Merrill and Chris got to shake hands with Bill Clinton as he was exiting an elevator at Paris. Ugh so jealous. But I did get to see the hot and hunky guy who plays the plumber from Desperate Housewives.

Sunday we had dinner at the VooDoo lounge at the top of the Rio. Dinner was tasty but the club scene was a blast. We went outside on the deck even though it was freezing but the view was worth it. We saw a woman who was easily in her '70's making out with a man in his 30's and then on our way out a girl who was 350 if she was an ounce was practically fornicating with a guy who weighed less than I do, awesome! Just before catching our cab we saw a wasted woman in a wheelchair being pushed by a security guard wearing latex gloves as she puked into a styrofoam cup, good times.

I was very happy to see my sweet monkeys but they have been punishing ever since we returned with horrible middle of the night behaviours. Also Jake is sick again!


Lauralee Beth said...

That's really cool you went to Vegas. I don't know if its just around here, or what, but it seems like this has been the summer for Vegas. I just know a ton of people that have gone their recently. Odd, huh? Well anyway, that's cool you went.

Sara Kempff said...

can you period just come back like that? strange!

Claudya Martinez said...

Sounds like fun.

I sold th guy from Desperate Housewives a cup of coffee once.

Charlotte said...

Blondie-Lox, I should have explained that my period came back like that because I had been pregnant and breastfeeding for over 3 years because my kids are so close in age. So when I weaned my son in preparation for my trip to Vegas, well lo and behold my cycle came back with a vengenance.

Lee Beth that was almost 2 years ago but I would love to go again.

JEez Mami that guy gets around.

Made In The South said...

Sounds like fun, except for the period part...I have never been to Vegas,but sounds like it would be fun if ya go with a group.