Saturday, March 15, 2008

The last few weeks

Ok so I never thought anyone would really read my entries but they do! I go to tell somebody something and they say, oh yeah I read that in your blog. Well shit, then I got nothing to top that. I mean with the sleep-deprived induced Alzheimer's I repeat myself all of the time and now it's even worse because people can read my stories before I even get a chance to verbalize them.

I went to a mom's night out for the mom's club, the unofficial mom's club that has nothing to do with that other one, the other night and I arrived late, people were happy to see me. It took me aback for a moment...I have been well-known, even infamous, but popular was a new feeling. I was popular with the boys in high school but looking back that wasn't a good thing.

Ok since I have last blogged it's been almost a month and I will try to be better about filling in. We had our Mom's club swap, similar to that other mom's club, and I get rid of alot of stuff and came away with just one toy each for the kids and some cute summer dresses for Bekah. The following day Mike was invited to a bday party at a bowling alley so I recruited my mom to help out. Damn good idea! First thing Mike did when we got in there was run up to an alley grab a ball and throw it. The people whose game it was were quite shocked to have a 3 yr. old come out of nowhere and screw up their game. He was a spazz for most of the party but thankfully the mom who hosted, Robin, has 2 boys of her own and totally gets it.

So the week of March 3rd to March 8th was the auction fundraiser for VPPS. I worked my ass off for this. I may have not done as much as others but I have more kids so I have a built-in handicap that makes any work much more challenging. Remind me to never volunteer for anything like this again. I was in charge of the food for an auction with 50 guests and Erik was on-call that weekend so he could only help a little. I had to get Sarah to watch the kids and then go and set up and then Erik and I spent too much money and then had to stay and clean up! WE were exhausted and now Mike doesn't even go there anymore!!!

Yep I pulled him out. It was reccommend he go somewhere else with more structure and I was going to keep him enrolled just for that one hour of free time 2x a week until I found a new school but he had a bad experience last Wednesday so I yanked him. This bitch of a mother actually squeezed his arm and yelled at him. Granted he hit her in the face for telling him to go wash his hands, which he was reprimanded for, but just think if somebody grabbed your forearm forcefully and then yelled in your face, would you not be scared or angry? And she did this with adult witnesses around, what would she have done with nobody looking? The more I thought about it the more uncomfortable I became, so I gave my 2 weeks notice. When I told him about this, he was relieved and excited to go somewhere else, I should have done this sooner.

His teacher L brought a cute portfolio by that she had been working on and Mike was very excited. It was full of adorable pics and info on his developmental milestones. It was very touching of her to do that. And even Teacher Dominatrix called me and after some CYA on her part said that people would really miss us because we were so friendly and that Mike had made alot of friends too. We check out a new school on Wed. Wish us luck.

Friday Bekah celebrated Purim at Ganeinu, which is her playgroup at Temple. I dressed her as a princess and she was so pretty I could only look at her sideways. She is so much taller than the other girls her age she looks about a year older and I put her hair up in a top knot with coils coming down, it was gorgeous! Tommorrow we all go to the Purim carnival at Temple Isaiah and Nana Jan and Merrill, Chris and Kaitlyn and Haley will be there too. It should be fun. Mike will be Spiderman, Bekah a princess but I will have to drag out something for Jake.

Jake is getting 2 teeth at a time so he has been a little grouchy, but he is still cuddly and sweet too. My dad came to visit this afternoon. We managed to squeeze in some Scrabble and the first game I beat him unmercifully. I got over 400 points and he barey hit 300! The next game he only beat me by 3 so I was still kicking butt.

Both Mike and Bekah immediately asked where Grandma was. Cherie is on a cross-country road trip with Dawn, bringing Cherie's son Clay a new car. Cherie called today to ask me about Graceland in Memphis and I highly reccomended it! Erik and I are not fans of Elvis but on our road trip that was one of the best stops we made. Graceland was a blast, a great tour, Elvis was a cool dude.

Michael has his kidney test next Thursday. They will put a tube inside his penis and fill his kidneys with radioactive fluid to check the status of his kidney reflux. Wish us luck, if he has not outgrown this condition then he will need surgery soon. The last time he was checked the status was still moderate which is bad and will probably not go away with age. I am not looking forward to this at all.

I am watching the news right now and the big deal is Elliot Spitzer the Gov. in N.Y. who frequented prositutes for $5,000. an hour. Doh. Also Barack's former Reverend who is quoted as saying, "God Damn America". What an asshole!! I am still voting for Obama and I think my Dad is too.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Purim!


Meg the Potty Animal said...

You are too funny! We love you! You keep us all laughing at the Mom events!

Charlotte said...
