Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I hate carseats

So I finally got the van serviced and the tires were bald so we replaced all 4. With carseats getting work done on the van is such a hassle. And for whomever is reading this that doesn't have to deal with carseats, the ones we have are about 30 lbs. each and are just clunky and cumbersome, they are called Britax Marathon and they are supposed to be really safe. So I had to take all 3 giant carseats out exposing a box worth of Cheerios. Then drive to mechanic and drop off van, then walk to E's office to get his car then drive home and put all 3 carseats back into his very small car. Then yesterday after picking Mike up from school as I was putting Bekah into her carseat I tore off about 85% of my pinky fingernail. I saw stars, my stomach balled up and it started to bleed immediately. This greatly concerned both Bekah and Michael who instructed me to go to Daddy's office, I agreed with them not because it was an emergency but I could pick up some bandaids. So we went to the office where Mike and Bekah got lollypops and all 3 raced up and down the hall and the woman who leases our extra room says I am a rheumatologist let me see your finger. She reassures me that I didn't rip out the root so I just need to bandage it, use Neosporin and take Advil. She wrote it all down for me, so she must think I am pretty dense or she was bored.

Then E has to hitch a ride home to get his car and go back to the hospital and by the time he gets home the kids are in bed. This morning he rounds on patients, comes back, takes out Jake's carseat and then I drop him off at work come back and pick up mike and Bekah for soccer and swimming and leave Jake with Sarah. Then come back and drop off Mike and Bekah and take out their carseats and then pick up Erik and he drops me off to get van, which I go get washed and then come home and put all 3 carseats back in but today is blazing hot so now I am panting and sweating and my finger is throbbing.

I would rather change poopy diapers then put in a carseat!

1 comment:

Mrs. Tranquil Tummy said...

There is a great carseat tech from the SRPD named Jennifer Montemayor. She is fast and informative!