Monday, January 26, 2009


I got in-laws in town. Don't worry they're cool. I just wanna say my computer time may be limited this week and I am dying to share with you my thoughts on President Obama. As I am sure you are dying to know (just kidding). I also have roughly 55 people coming over for Super Bowl and my FIL's 60th birthday to deal with. I will get back to you all as soon as I can.

When I don't write for awhile my brain becomes a cable news show. You know how they have that running commentary of news items on the bottom of the screen? That is what my brain becomes until I get it out of my system by putting it in writing. Sometimes I just have to stop and write a quick outline on a piece of paper and then throw it away just to purge my brain of that line of words constantly moving across my frontal lobes. Does this happen to anyone else?

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