Monday, September 15, 2008


Did you know that I usually drive a mini-van?
On a mom's night out, that has nothing to do with that other mom's night out, if I am lucky I get to drive my husband's car, otherwise known as our date car. It's a mercedes c230

Did you know that a manual c230 has 6 gears?
Did you know that a c230 can go 120 miles per hour?
Actually that's not true. A mercedes c230 can go 160 mph. But when you are going south on 680 at 10pm at night at 120 miles per hour you end up in Fremont before you know it and have to turn around and go home.

Did you know that going south on 680 at 120 mph at 10pm on a Monday night you can listen to The Rolling Stones, "Shattered" 10 times in a row between San Ramon and Fremont and back to San Ramon? Trust me you can and it rocks.


re-KnewAble said...

I recently saw a mini-van with a flame decal on the side.
They were smallish but apparent, and a muted color, similar to the van's coloring. It totally made it look like it was moving faster... not.

Charlotte said...

Yeah I saw that too. You are right it doesn't help, driving a mini-van is like wearing a nun's habit, it's like being neutered.