Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin doesn't rhyme with Stalin

Bye baby bunting

Father's gone a hunting

Mother's gone a milking

Sister's gone a silking

And brother has gone to get a skin

to wrap the baby bunting in

When I read this poem to my 3 toddlers a week ago I thought to myself that this mother had spaced her children really far apart. While reading this poem again tonight, at bedtime, I thought to myself that it sounded like Sarah Palin's family. Especially if "gone a silking" is a euphemism for something that gets you knocked up.
Sarah Palin getting nominated for the Republican's choice for Vice President really got people fired up! The Republicans are all happy and excited, at least the ones on television. I don't know many Republicans so I will just have to trust in the enthusiasm I see on my cable news shows. The Democrats are fired up but their faces don't seem so shiny and happy.
I think the Democrats are a tad nervous. Americans like fresh, new and exciting, we have short attention spans. That nervousness was never so obvious in the $8million in donations to Obama's campaign that came rolling in the day after Palin's acceptance speech. Ugh, we have 7 more weeks of this election and I already find her voice more annoying than George W. Bush's.
In fact I started this entry a week ago and now I don't even have the energy to finish it, I am already so sick of Sarah Palin! It just kills me that so many of the happy, shiny t.v. Republicans can actually say she has foreign relations experience because Alaska is next to Russia. That's like me saying since I am married to a doctor I am qualified to give you a rectal exam. I could fake it, but would you really want me to?

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