Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Brother's Visit Before Going to Iraq

Ok so I apologize to anyone who has already seen this picture which is pretty much everyone in the United States. I have recently lost 25 pounds and then you stick me in between my 2 cute, "little" brothers and I am going to make you look whether you like it or not. The whole beard thing was a weird coincedence. Brandon's was for fun, Bill was instructed to grow facial hair cause Iraqi men take hairy men more seriously. And I just had mine waxed off.

These 2 are kindred spirits. My brother Bill is the only other human who can tire out my 4 year old Michael. They are clones right down to the cowlick in their hair.

This is why my brother needs to come back from Iraq alive. This is a picture of Bill and my oldest son Michael and see how natural it is for them to cuddle together. They love each other so much and I love the both of them so much.


Helen McGinn said...

Oh, this brought a tear to my eye. I hope he is safe. xx

Charlotte said...

Thank you, Helen! He is home safe and getting married in Sept. whoo hoo!!