Thursday, January 24, 2008

More preschool crap

So back to school for Mike after MLK day off, I thought to be proactive and run him before class with the help of my friend L and her sweet son J. Even though the plan was to keep Mike out of big circle time which is his trigger they for some reason went ahead and had him sit in there and of course he was a spazz, screaming naked box and other antics. So of course when I get there to pick him up 30 min. early I get to have a parent teacher conference and basically it's either Mike hits the road, I have to go to school with him every day (no thanks), or he only stays for free time. I am going with door #3 and eventually re-introduce him to circle time.

I know this is genetic. He is so much like Bill energy wise but I wasn't the best student either. I remember very clearly in Kindergarten Mrs. Honeywhacker (I swear that's her name) used to put me on the island all of the time. It was like a time-out except you had to sit in the middle of the of room and nobody could come near you. She also threatened to throw me over her knee and spank me. I have a special ability to piss off teachers and I think Mike inherited this. In 3rd grade Mrs. Golitz kept me in from recess and turned over my desk upside down and screamed at me to clean it up. In the 5th grade Mr. Sanford slammed a huge stack of papers on my desk and told me I was a spoiled brat in front of the whole class. And in high school Mrs. Mali actually patted me on my butt and asked, "How does it feel to know that you are going to grow up to be nothing in life?".

I am not delusional I know my son is hugely difficult to deal with but I won't ever let him be treated abusively by adults that are supposed to be educators and role models. So these daily parent-teacher conferences send my anxiety sky-high. On one hand I want to hear ideas that are best for my son and to nip these antics before elementary school, on the other hand I want to protect him and lash out at any perceived unfairness.

Of course I also was not completely innocent. In the first grade I refused to say the pledge of allegiance because it said under G-d and there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state in this country. That protest went over like a turd in a salad. Second grade I ran away from school in the middle of the day because I was sick of having to write lines saying I will be quiet in class, they thought I, and my friend I conned into coming with me, had been abducted so they were extra furious when they realized we weren't victims but instigators. In 3rd grade the reason my desk was tossed was because I refused to practice my handwriting. If it's mostly legible who gives a shit if it's perfect, I think I am still correct on that position. In the 5th grade I refused to chew up those red tablets and swish with mouthwash during class time. Remember when they would do that? I told my teacher it was a waste of my parents tax money to be doing this in class just because other parents don't teach their children proper dental hygiene. The list of my grievances were long and tedious to my teachers, most of them patient and tolerant. Sigh.............and I gave birth to someone just as rotten as me. I believe that is called Karma.

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