Thursday, January 17, 2008


Please feed cat (Oscar) and he likes water from sink in downstairs bathroom.

Diapers are in cabinet to the right of sink in downstairs bathroom and wipes too.

The draw above this cabinet has detangling spray and combs for their hair.

Jake eats jar food at all meals and prefers veggies and meat over fruit. He likes toast with the crust cut off and the toast cut into strips. All kid snacks for him are safe except goldfish crackers and popcorn. He loves his baby yogurt. He can drink water from sippy cups without straws.

A formula bottle for him consists of 1 scoop of formula per 2oz of water. 4 oz bottle is 30 seconds in microwave and 6 oz is 40 seconds.

Jake's morning nap is usually 9:45a/10a and can be from 20 min. to an hour. You can put him in crib with bottle but may have to go re=insert binky if he gets fussy. rock him in extreme circumstances. Afternoon nap is 1/1:30/2p depending on length of morn nap. Same method as above except he does story time with Bekah.

Remind Mike to go to bathroom he gets busy sometimes.

There are diaper pails upstairs. You can put pp dipers in kitchen garbage but poopy ones I put in plastic grocery bag under kit. sink and walk outside to can on side of house.

the timer is very useful for Mike to warn him of any transition.

the black and orange stroller on front porch is great for walks. Jake goes in front and the other two walk and can sit on back seat if they want.

they call all liquid juice except milk. all they drink is water usually

snacks are in clear bin on counter next to toaster and they snack all day! there is fruit in fridge as well. you can use blue muffin "tin" to put in snacks and put on kitchen table so they can just graze from that if you want.

Mike does not nap but can watch t.v. in rec room he has to be quiet.

Charlotte cell 925

Erik cell 925

Jan home

My dad's cell is

I will get you Katie's too.

We are staying at Bally's .


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