Friday, February 27, 2009

An Opinion That Matters

So our former babysitter, the beloved Katie, sent me an email recently. She was really our nanny but I don't like that word because it sounds elitist. Besides she was more like a big sister to my kids. Katie abandoned us, I mean moved back home to Washington, but we still keep in touch.

She sent this email to me last weekend and I have been reading it over and over again. I haven't even responded to it yet because I get so emotional reading it that I couldn't think of anything to say. I have now recovered enough to comment on it and I am putting it on my blog because I know she reads my blog. I hope the lady she nannies for now doesn't read my blog.........

"So I have been meaning to write you for the longest time... but couldn't put this on facebook since the family I nanny for has it and could read it. But think of the times when Mike would throw a big tantrum... well the kid I watch now is 100 times worse! Plus his mom doesn't discipline him and gives him whatever he wants. Who gives there kids cake and candy every morning?Furthermore your kids are so much more loving and always gave hugs and kisses and wanted to cuddle. NOPE not this kid he is a huge beast!! I thought I would let you know you are a great mother and your kids are angels!"

So as rotten as Mike can be, I do hold him accountable for his behavior and Katie put that proof in writing. Our current sitter has told me also, that my kids are super cuddly. I find that really interesting because I just have to take their word for it. All my friends and their kids seem cuddly too, I am not sure where these non cuddly kids are living!

Basically, at my house, if you sit down, somebody is going to sit on you. I thought all kids were like that.


drollgirl said...

it must be nice to know that she loves and misses your kids and thinks they are super! that other kid she is now watching sounds like he is going to be a trainwreck!

Charlotte said...

Knowing that your kids are loved by somebody besides you is a very comforting feeling. And we miss her a lot. I hope with Katie's influence that kid will be salvageable but without discipline kids don't feel safe and act out.

Clare said...

Gosh, sounds like she is right in the middle of The Nanny Diaries! You had a winner there and its so nice that you keep in contact with her. I am trying to teach R. too speak in a soft voice this morning. Daddy came home and had one too many because he hasnt been out on his own in a LONG time and not have to drive!!

Charlotte said...

My 4 year old does not own an indoor voice, we have given up on that after we had his hearing checked. He is just a loud dude.


Did he hear that? You are a very good wife Clare.

kubbybear said...

It's so wonderful to hear that you are doing a great job from someone else. I also recommend that both of you watch "The Nanny Diaries". It's very entertaining. ;)

Charlotte said...

Kubby it's true, feeling appreciated for your effort is awesome but doubly so when you are a parent because it can be such a thankless job. I am afraid to watch that movie because I would probably get too angry at the parents.