Saturday, February 21, 2009

You Ain't Gonna Believe This Shit

So remember when I told you what happened the last 2 weekends? I had the stomach flu and ended up going to the e.r. for I.V. fluids. Then Jake got the Croup and an ear infection. Then Bekah got the stomach flu and then Michael got the stomach flu! Ok so Monday (President's Day) through Thursday we were healthy. Phew!

Then Friday morning Jake starts coughing again, very badly and has horrible green snot. Then Friday, after midnight of course, Bekah barfs all over her bed. And shortly after that Erik starts having some issues (I will spare you the details) and it becomes clear that he now has the stomach flu as well! Arrrgh, I need at least a month of healthiness.

Thankfully Auntie M picked up Mike today and took him to a birthday party that started at noon and she didn't bring him back until 8:30 tonight. He had a blast and it got him away from the sickies.

Now Erik has a fever of a 102 and is shivering. I interuppted my blogging to pile 5 blankets on top of him and then lay on top of him. It didn't help so I gave him some Tylenol and he went to bed. I am going to go bring him some more blankets right now. Poor husband! He's even talking about taking Monday off and he hasn't had a sick day in the 9 years that I have known him! Wish us health!