Monday, February 16, 2009

A Much Needed Break

Let me give you the run-down on our last 9 days here in the Gracer household.

1. Last Saturday Feb. 7th I woke up feeling nauseous with stomach cramps and thinking it was my monthly visitor, I soldiered on.

2. Erik let me nap that morning but I could hear from upstairs that he was not handling the kids very well and seemed very stressed out.

3. I put Jake down for a nap and took Bekah and Michael hiking on Mt. Diablo.
That whole hike I was nauseous but just kept trucking along.

4. On the way home I stopped to get a take and bake pizza for dinner. As soon as I walked in the door and got a whiff of the pizza I knew something was seriously wrong with me. Pizza usually smells awesome so I knew as soon as my stomach flipped and I broke into a sweat that I was in trouble.

5. I took pizza and kids home and laid on couch and tried to eat apple sauce while Erik fed the kids. Soon I visited the bathroom and started to vomit and have diarrhea.

6. This continued through the night and Erik went to his office and got a shot of Phenegrine but I continued to vomit through that as well. Also a side effect of that medicine is restless legs so I tossed and turned and could not sleep.

7. When I got up to take care of Jake at about 3am, I was so dizzy I contemplated crawling. I told Erik this and he said it was from dehydration and I would definitely need to to the E.R. in the morning for fluids.

8. I called and woke up Auntie M and Uncle Chrissy and begged them to come over and watch kids so Erik could take me to the E.R.

9. We both fell asleep in the E.R. room and felt like we were on a date, it was so much more relaxing than being at home.

10. 2 liters of fluid later and I still didn't have to pee, that's how dehydrated I was.

11. That night, Sunday, Jake was up almost all night with a horrible cough. He was still sleeping at 9am when I plucked him from his crib so I could take Bekah to school.

12. Took Jake to the pediatrician and he has a ear infection and the Croup. I am still incredibly nauseous and having to visit the bathroom frequently while running kids to and from school, pediatrician and Target.

13. Wednesday Bekah skips breakfast which is a horrible sign because Bekah loves food. She is incredibly lethargic all day and refuses to eat and is crying because I kept her home from school and she loves school. In the middle of the night she finally starts barfing and barfs a lot.

14. I thankfully get Sarah to take Mike to school so I don't have to drag Bekah and Jake around and Erik picks Michael up in the afternoon.

15. By Wednesday I can finally eat solid food again and good news I have lost 4 pounds.

16. I was supposed to have a Valentine's party here on Friday for my new and far superior mom's club but thankfully my friend Barb took over. Auntie M takes Mike to the party after she picks him up for school. And Erik goes to the party and brings Mike home later.

17. Our electricity goes out for 2 hours.

18. Saturday afternoon I take Mike to a graduation party for our friend Laura. Bekah and Jake stay home with Erik. Michael is fine at the party but then around 11p he starts puking all over his bedroom. This is our Valentine's Day.

19. Mike is nauseous and lethargic and is crying because he couldn't go to his buddy's birthday party. He promises me that he will puke in the toilet at the Bowling Alley if I let him go. Poor baby.

20. I spend all day scraping barf chunks off of Mike's bedding and doing tons of laundry.

21. Finally, Monday, everyone seems to be in better health!!!

So today is Monday, President's Day and our dear sitter Sarah is coming to watch the kids so Erik and I can go get massages and go to dinner. We need it!! We are getting a couple's massage at Bodylines Day Spa.

Then we are going to dinner at Va de Vi in Walnut Creek. Awww, I can't wait.


Clare said...

How was your so well deserved dinner?

Charlotte said...

So completely awesome!!