Monday, October 13, 2008

Believe it or not this is my street! Our house is at the bottom of a very steep cul-de-sac. There is an actual working ranch at the top of the hill and these huge trucks have been going up and down the street for a couple of weeks. Well on this day, a Monday of course, this not very skillful truck driver did not navigate our steep winding street and tipped his 2nd trailer over. Jake and I had just come home from dropping off Mike and picking up Bekah. I turn onto my street to see this guy with a tipped over tractor trailer spilling dirt everywhere standing there scratching his head. Once I got my kids settled I came out and he's gone! He unhitched the trailer, set out some cones and drove off in his cab hauling just one trailer of dirt.

It really was the perfect thing to happen on this Monday. It was one of those Mondays where nothing extremely bad happens, just lots of little annoying things happen. Like trying to get a hanger out of your closet and it's kind of tangled in other hangers so you pull on it and like 10 hangers come crashing down into a pile on your feet. After breakfast Mike is supposed to dress himself but you practically have to stand over him and yell or he gets distracted by fuzz in the carpet and wonders off with his underwear around his knees and one sock on. Then both Jake and Bekah pooed before preschool and so changing them made us 15 minutes late. Then when we get to the gym I run into the nicest person but she talks sooo much she could make a deaf man want to stick ice picks in his ears. Once we get home to eat lunch, Jake poops again and is all cranky. When the 3 of us go to pick up Bekah and drop off Mike, Bekah is poopy again so I have to change her before we can leave and Jake wants to run off. Once we are home and see the spilled dirt neither one of them ends up napping at all.

Finally we go get Mike and I tell him about the truck accident and he is all excited so I tell him when we get home we will grab the camera and take a picture. So we get home, I load them up in our wagon and Mike is racing up the hill he is so excited. Mike was a little dissappointed that I wouldn't let them go play in the spilled dirt but it was still very interesting to look at and now there are lots of men doing clean up. The reason that I don't have any pictures of the huge mound of spilled dirt completely burying the sidewalk is because my camera's battery died! It was just that kind of day.
By the way, it turns out these trucks did not have a permit to be driving on our street anyways. One of my neighbors sent out an email about it and told us to complain to the city. I never had to send off my pictures because I guess enough people complained and now are street is quiet again. Well quiet except for my kids.

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