Saturday, October 25, 2008

No on 8

So my SIL, Merrill, who lives in San Ramon now, called me on my cell today while I was grocery shopping. She had called to inform me that there were Yes on 8 losers on the corner of Bollinger Canyon Rd. and Alcosta with signs. Grrrr! I got all fired up in Safeway and Merrill was cracking up. I had Mike and Bekah with me and Erik was home napping with Jake. Erik let me sleep in this morning, so I was paying him back by getting Mike and Bekah out of the house so he could nap too.

The 3 of us finished our grocery shopping with only minor annoyances. Mike tried to gnaw his way through a bag of chocolate chips and Bekah tried to help herself to some cheese from the cart but I caught them both in time. Once we were in line though I did find some surprise purchases but Pasta Roni and baked Lays aren't that bad so I let them through.

Once we got in the van we took the long way home to check out these protesters. We live deep in the burbs so protesters are as exotics as elephants. Sure enough, in all their whiteness was a dozen protesters with Yes on 8 signs on the corners of Bollinger and Alcosta, a busy intersection. I told the kids that I was going to roll down the windows and honk and then I wanted them to hold up a thumbs down towards these people. I didn't hesitate to explain that these people were bad and stupid. This was shocking because stupid is as bad a word as shit or fuck in our house. But I honestly believe this is a civil rights issue and I wouldn't hesitate to call a skinhead or a KKK hoodlum stupid. That would surely be an understatement. So why not call these people stupid? They are taking away the right of marriage from consenting adults, it is stupid and hateful and it's ok for my kids to know that.

But honestly my kids are very young. Jake is 18 months old and has nary a clue of pretty much anything. Mike is 4 years old and when it comes to marriage he either wants to marry me, Jake, his sitter Sarah or one of his cousins. As far as he is concerned if you love somebody you marry them. Bekah is somewhere between Mike and Jake. I have 3 No on 8 signs on my lawn and Mike and Bekah think they are there to keep away the raccoons. I really have no desire to go much further in explaining the issue of gay marriage to them right now. I just want them to grow up and look back and say, "Wait a second it used to be illegal for gays to get married?, No way! That is so weird!! Who cares if gay people get married? Those people must be really stupid!".


Anonymous said...

I too was very sadden and disappointed to see the protestors on Bollinger. I can't believe these people have time to protest about who others are marrying!!!!STUPID is an understatement!

Charlotte said...

I know can you imagine on a gorgeous day like today saying to yourself, Hey I am going to go stand on a corner and hold a sign to let people know that I don't support consenting adults being committed to each other. What a waste of time and energy.

juls_dilly said...

I am SO glad I didn't see them there today! I would be beyond frustrated. It's bad enough that I drive by at least two of the Yes on 8 signs every day, including one on my own street. Irony, the owners of that sign on my street have a teenager with Special Needs, and you would think or at least hope that they would have a better tolerance and understanding of differences, but they apparently do not.

All I can say is flashback to 1954, and these same shitheads would be protesting outside of the schools as desegregation became law. Ignorance and bigotry at its best in liberal California.

Charlotte said...

But I am sure your neighbors will never see the irony in that because they are viewing it completely different than we are. To me and you it's civil rights, to them it's something else, probably something stupid.