Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bekah's 3rd Birthday

This is Bekah with her 2 favorite gifts. Throne from Auntie M and Barbie guitar from my Dad. This is from the end of the evening and she is partied out! She had a beautiful butterfly dress on to match her butterfly theme party but she pooped all over it. Poop is actually a more appropriate theme.
Super cute butterfly and lady bug cake. Bekah is very excited as you can see. No poop on cake.

I chose this picture because I look thinner than any other picture from that night. Also nobody else's kids are in view and I don't want to post pics of other people's kids without their permission. That beer is courtesy of a dear friend and fellow beer drinking mom who gave me a 12 pack for my birthday which was last Friday.
That beer did eventually get kicked over and spilled by my oldest. When you are a parent you just can't have your beer and drink it too. At least nobody pooped on my beer.

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