Friday, March 27, 2009

G-d Bless California

At this present moment, 5:07pm, I am sitting in my backyard next to a Redwood tree, watching a woodpecker inspect the Oak tree in front of me and listening to a Red-Tailed Hawk screech off in the distance. I am drinking an icy beer and my kids are all happily playing by themselves. The only possible way this moment could get better is if my 2 year old would stop eating tanbark like they were potato chips and toddle off to get me another beer.

G-d Bless California.


drollgirl said...

oh, an icy cold beer is what i am going to have when i get home!

and sorry about your son seeing the video. cringe. very sorry.

Anonymous said...

"The only possible way this moment could get better is if my 2 year old would stop eating tanbark like they were potato chips and toddle off to get me another beer."

Charlotte said...

If that is the worst my son ever sees, he will have a great life.

Thanks K!

Kellie said...

That sounds really really nice. I wish I were doing that right now. Minus the kids b/c I don't have kids. So maybe I could train my dog to get me a beer instead?

Charlotte said...

Kellie when my SIL and her husband were in college at Chico they trained their dog Porter to get beer from the fridge. IF you said "Brewski" he would open the fridge door by pulling on a towel with his teeth that was tied to the handle. HE would grab a can of beer in his mouth bring it to you and then go back and close the fridge door. R.I.P. Porter, we miss you buddy.