Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekly < 30 minute Recipe #10

I have been making this for years and a mom that used to be in my old mom's club asked for the recipe. After serving it 3 nights in a row her husband finally made her stop. It's good.

Curried Chicken Salad

2 cups diced rotisserie chicken breast
1/4 cup diced green onion
1 cup green seedless grapes cut in half

or 1 cup diced green apple
1/4 cup mayonnaise

3/4 cup plain non-fat yogurt
2 tablespoons Mango Chutney
1/2 to 1 teaspoon curry powder (to taste some people like curry more than others)

as much lettuce as you want, Romaine is good
salt and pepper to taste

dashes of Tabasco to taste

Dice your chicken, apple and/or grapes, onions. Mix all ingredients together, serve over lettuce.

1/2 cup serving of chicken salad is 5.5 points, if you use both apples and grapes it's 6 points for a 1/2 serving. Remember lettuce is zero points.


drollgirl said...

yum! this is doable, and it sounds great!

Charlotte said...

It is both sweet, a little spicy and creamy and crunchy. I like contrasts and it's fast and easy and healthy (except the mayo). I hope you like it.

sexypoet said...

i'm not a huge curry fan but, this recipe sounds delicious.. what other spice do you think might work with all the same ingredients?

Charlotte said...

Hmmm, maybe powdered ginger. But I would start with a 1/4 teaspon and work my way up from there, ginger is super strong. Tell me if that works out.

Kelly said...

NOW I'M STARVING! Sounds really good... I'll have to see if my husband will get working on that! :)

Charlotte said...

LOL, if I left cooking to my husband I would be eating honey and peanut butter sandwiches for the rest of my life.

sexypoet said...

i like ginger.. that might be really good! (it has a nice bite to it without being overwhelmingly spicy) thanks for the tip.. i'll let you know how it is..