Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life's Little Luxuries

I just got a perfume sample in my mail for Ed Hardy's perfume, yummy! I just rubbed it all over my body. I am out of the Burberry Brit I was wearing and don't have any extra cash for perfume right now. But Mothers's Day is coming up..........hint hint to my husband.

It smells flowery but not too flowery and musky but not too musky. It smells almost as good as the corned beef in my crockpot and smells way better than the urine soaked sheets in my laundry room.


Kelly said...

Good to know! Sounds yummy!

drollgirl said...

boy it BETTER smell better than corned beef or urine! h ahahaha. that is hilarious.

Charlotte said...

At that moment when I wrote that I was hungry and that corned beef smelled amazing!