Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sore Throat Tuesday

A dear friend sent me an email this morning. I won't put her name or her kids' names in here because I don't have permission. She found an email I sent her and it makes me look like such a great person I thought I would share it with the universe.

Hi Charlotte,

So my little monkey is 1 (well technically at 12:32pm he’ll be) and thus, I’m taking a trip down memory lane looking up emails from a year ago. Yes, a year ago. God, where did this year go?! Anyway, I found this email from you and reading it now, just made me cry. You’re a great, sweet person. Thanks for everything!


The email below is from me Charlotte:

I am sorry that your birth plan didn't work out like you expected, I am sure that is dissappointing.

Thankfully all of you are healthy, besides the cold, and that you are now comfortably at home.

Coming upon Jake's 1st bday and then reading your email and that it was written "late" at night, makes me a tiny bit nostalgic. Not nostalgic enough to reverse my husband's vasectomy or anything, but just reminiscing of that exhausting, but sweet, and exciting time of bringing home a new human being. My friend Vince said once that every couple should have a child, "every 5 years so that there is always a miracle in your home". I may not agree with him on the amount of children ( he had 5 before his wife cut him off, 2 from a previous marriage and 3 with her) but his sentiment has always rang true with me.

Each one of my kids have such strong personalities, and already possess much better traits than I have, that it makes you want to have more and more, despite the temporary/ongoing discomfort and inconvenience.


Best part is that I don't even remember writing that so it made me feel even more awesome. A nice surprise in my email box this morning.

Much better than the sore throat I woke up with. I can still swallow without crying so I don't think it's Strep but it's damn close, ouch! To give you an example of how bad it is...........I don't even want to drink a beer. If you know me personally don't call 9-1-1, I am sure I will be fine in a couple of days. It's a damn shame though because it's in the low 70's outside and my kids are actually being pretty good today.

I scrounged up some spare change to take them out to lunch and used a Barnes and Noble gift card to get them some books. Mike and Bekah were really good at lunch, Jake was just short of a disaster. He even threw a fork at me!

At B and N they were all good. I read them a few books and they each picked out one. I got the 2nd book in the Twilight series, and a book on feelings to go over with Mike (he gets rather angry sometimes) but I couldn't find a good book for my husband.

What I was really looking for was a book on Private Parts. If you know what I mean. My oldest Mike was licking the boobs of a bridal magazine in the grocery store recently. I was so embarrassed. And he is all into grabbing body parts and talking about them. It used to be kind of cute and funny but he will be 5 in June, it's gotta stop. So I went to the section called, "Growing Up". Not helpful at all. They were either geared towards pre-teens or girls in general. There was one that seemed geared towards preschoolers but I took one look at the illustrations and I was like, "Oh Hell No.". Mike would take a gander at that guy's schlong and start laughing hysterically. It would make the problem worse not better. And this book talked about, "loving sperm", I am soooo not ready for that conversation yet. I put it back on the shelf and decided I would just keep yelling at him until I think of something better.

Anyone have a book on their shelves at home that helped?

Right now Jake is snoozing it up and even Bekah fell asleep on the way home from Barnes and Noble. Mike is playing Legos and watching Spiderman and I am going to read Bekah her new Dora book.


Kelly said...

What a good friend you are! :)

Charlotte said...

Thank you, I try to be there for my chicas and this woman is a superior being.

Anonymous said...

"decided I would just keep yelling at him until I think of something better."
Possibly a good plan!lol

Charlotte said...

LOL, just taking it one day at a time.