Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am not a Gardener.........

Ok so I excell at getting kids to survive and thrive, but luck hasn't been all that good. Until now. I have awesome rose bushes.

When we first moved into this house, they were in the backyard, until my dear Bekah fell face first into a rose bush and came away with her face bleeding, eyelids, cheeks and ears. After I cleaned her up and consoled her, I was ready to set them on fire. I decided to transplant them to the front yard instead.

I am so glad I did because they took off and look fabulous.

I have red, orange, yellow, pink and some crazy striped ones.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!


Jenna said...

crazy striped roses?! Really?! I've never heard of such things- do you have a picture?

Charlotte said...

I swear!!! I will take a pic later after I get Mike to school and pick up Bekah and get Jake down for a nap and eat some lunch. They are really.

essbesee said...

I wasn't much into roses til we moved to a house that had some, now I think they are pretty awesome. When the thrive, they are so cool, and nice to have fresh cut ones for free! Happy early Mama's Day!

Jenna said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

It's gorgeous!

Charlotte, that is freaking beautiful! And how awesome are you for posting a pic just for me!

Mind if I print it to show to my florist? I'm knee deep into finding suitable flowers for my bridesmaid boquets. I have a basic boquet (stolen from Martha Stewart of course) but I have to decide which colour roses I want, and these would look awesome next to the girl's dresses.

drollgirl said...

these roses are STUNNING!!! lucky you! and i know they must smell divine. i am a little jealous! i have geraniums, but they are not known for their scent. wah.

Charlotte said...

Of course you can show your florist, I have no ego in these roses because they were planted by the previous owner. I really wish I could give you a name for them but like I said they came with the house. The woman that used to live here gave me a tour of the garden and then said she never went outside because it was her husband's thing, I was shocked!! I fell in love with this house because of the cool plants and all the sunlight. I can't imagine not caring!!

Droll sorry about the geraniums, they are a little stinky but they are colorful and sturdy that's for sure.

✩Molly✩ said...

Thanks for following my blog! These roses remind me of my parent's front sidewalk back in Mesa, AZ. There is definitely a great satisfaction that comes with growing your own flowers :)