Monday, May 11, 2009

Three Year Olds Are Criminally Insane

I know I have said this before but 3 year olds are worse than 2 year olds and I believe they are criminally insane.

Bekah made us late to pick up Mike from Pre-K because she 1) Wanted to finish watching Diego, 2) Refused to put her pants on 3) Tried to lock me out of the house.

I told her to put on her pants because we were going to pick up Mike from school and she said, "No, I am watching Diego!.". So I said, "Bekah I am going to go put Jake in his carseat when I come back I want your pants on and then I can turn off the t.v. or you can.". I grab Jake, step into the garage and as I am putting him into his carseat I hear, "". She locked the deadbolt.

Luckily I had my keys in my pocket! But it's the principle of the act, that she tried to lock me out so she could watch t.v. in her underwear!!

I marched back into the house, shoved her into her pants, turned off the t.v. and carried her to the van and strapped her into her seat. I couldn't look her in the eyes or talk to her. Grrrrrrr.


~Sandy said...

I soooooo agree with you:) Toooo funny(even if it didn't seem like it was at the moment). I've had them lock me out of the car at the doctors office so they didn't have to be seen.
Hugs, Sandy

Jenna said...

As the nanny of a three year old, I have to agree (Sometimes). :) There are days when logic just does not work for them!

Charlotte said...

Mrs. Sandy, clever monkeys trying not to see the doctor.

Jenna, they just love to argue too. Bekah will ask me for grapes, pears etc. anything she knows we don't have at the moment, just so she can throw a fit.

Unknown said...

ohhhhh my. shes going to be a pistol at 17!

Charlotte said...

And just think when Bekah is 17 I will have a 16 and 18 year old too! I can hardly wait!

Cat said...

Hi! Found your blog through the blog-vine, so to speak. Then I saw you were a SITS girl and just had to comment (actually, I was planning on commenting anyway!) Love this post. I think my kids are nuts too. My 3 1/2 yr old may not talk, but he is thinking... and he gets into more then his fair share of trouble!

Clare said...

Charlotte, our 3 year old 'angel' locked the sliding glass door on me two nights ago. If Daddy wasnt here to rescue me I don't know what I would have done. Probably would have had to scale the fence! She also tried to shove a DVD into the flatscreen TV. We stopped her just in time. Daddy lost more hair at that very moment!

Charlotte said...

Mama Nut thanks for visiting and commenting!

Yikes Clare, I am so lucky I had my keys in my pocket, it could have been real ugly.

Kellie said...

Oh no she didn't!!! :) Seriously I don't know how I'm going to do it whenever I have kids... They frighten me.

beth said...

i couldn't agree more! i have a 5 year old (turned 5 on saturday) an 3 year old and twin 2 year olds. i kinda think they are ALL criminally insane. or maybe i am. also, i HATE when people tell me i have my hands full. i know that already people! gotta run...the 3 year old just bit one of the two year olds...again.
ps - your kids are really cute!

Charlotte said...

They are animals, they can smell fear, be tough!

So you understand where the title of my blog comes from. I am sure, just like me, you get told that at least once everytime you go in public right? And having kids so close together, I am sure you get attitude like you are a careless breeder right? Sigh. Thanks I think they are cute too.

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

Can you leave a comment about a comment, instead of about the post? Well first, I think Bekah sounds fabulous. A pain in the neck to parent, but an independent spirit ya' gotta admire. And I get the "hands full" comment all the time. If I feel like the person is actually being rude, I've been known to say: "Yeah, we're going to keep going until we get an ugly one."

Charlotte said...

Monica I am going to have to remember that one! Perfect combeback! And Bekah is fabulous, in a criminally insane kind of way.

Nekidduk said...

Mine is 2 1/2...please stop frightening me. This is not the kind of info parents of not yet 3 year olds need! ;)

Charlotte said...

Just keeping it real Daphne.