Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Hate Prop 8

So today started off pretty awesome with a Hispanic woman being picked as a nominee, for our nation's Supreme Court. But then civil rights took a step backwards just as quickly as it progressed. The horribly hateful Proposition 8 was upheld by California's Supreme Court. 6-1. To quote my brother Brandon, that is "6 justices who don't believe in civil rights.". I was angry and disappointed, but I turned off the television, and had a nice playdate with a friend and her adorable son. Then comes naptime, and my computer time, and now I am really angry after reading an article on S.F. Gate.

These are the paragraphs in particular that made me angry:

Among the first to go were Shawn Higgins and Robert Franco of San Francisco. The two men, who said they are engaged to marry, had stood for about an hour in the intersection calmly kissing while demonstrators all around them screamed, "Prop. 8 will go down, San Francisco (is a) big queer town" and other slogans.

Damn straight San Francisco is a big queer town! (excuse the pun) And don't you forget it! Who let the Prop 8 supporters over the bridges?!

Jorge Riley, 31, of Sacramento also got up early to make the drive to San Francisco to hoist his sign reading, "Gay = Pervert."

Seriously?! What a hateful, horrible person.

This is a civil rights issue, plain and simple. If you do not agree with me please do not read my blog, do not leave any comments on my blog, and do not follow my blog. Quietly go and unfollow me. And tell your friends not to read my blog. I am too angry and disgusted to be diplomatic right now.

I think rioting is completely warranted. I know that is a shocking statement, but think about it. Somebody is telling you that you can't get married. Think really hard about that........you can't marry the person you love. Wouldn't you feel outraged? Hurt? Demeaned? Feel less than a second class citizen? I would.

I want to take to the streets but I am ashamed to admit that I get caught up in the logistics of whose going to watch my kids while I am in jail. And honestly I don't want my kids around those hateful, ignorant Prop. 8 supporters. They frighten me, so I am sure they would frighten my kids.

This is the part of that article that gave me hope:

While some police officers kept watch from the outside of the protest circle, about 10 officers were positioned inside. Each of those 10 officers are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, said Lt. Lea Militello of the Tenderloin Station.

"Absolutely it affects me. I got married in October," she said.

Police Sgt. Carl Tennenbaum said the officers on the scene ranged from gay to conservative, and many had to say they had "mixed feelings would be putting it mildly." However, he said, "You just have to set the issues aside and do your job."

Maybe when supporters of Prop. 8 see that this truly affects "normal" citizens, like police officers, they will begin to change their minds. I say this because I am under the impression that many supporters of this hateful legislation, have only experienced stereotypes of homosexuals. They are not aware that gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals and transgender people come from every walk of life. So I believe we will have a chance to put this on the ballot again, and make justice and equality for everyone.


essbesee said...

I couldn't agree with you more. and love the header.

Charlotte said...

I have to agree that's a fab header, and it's staying until after Pride Parade. I wonder if I will really lose followers, not that I give a shit, just curious.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I don't know what my opinion is on gay/lesbian matters, I have heard enough opinions from other people and have decided to stay out of it!

I do, however, agree that rioting is a lousy way of solving anything!

Jenna said...

My Mom and I almost got arrested together at an Al Gore Rally in Michigan that was overtaken by picketing Republicans in 2000. There were almost 1000 of them, and the police weren't doing much to stop them from "crashing" so my mother went right up to them and started "getting involved." I'll spare you the details!

I was 14. She was 53.

I have never been more proud of her for teaching me to stand up for what I believe in. I'm sure your kids will be proud of you as well--so if you really want to go out there and protest--DO IT! :)

Jenna said...

Whoops, I just looked at my own comment, and went: Wait! I was 16! So yeah...my point stands!

Charlotte said...

Wow! Your mom is awesome! Looks like the rioting never took off last night because there are gay police officers and everyone was being respectful. Of course that is always better......
I will continue to stay educated and vote and work on it again next year just like I did last year.

K that's interesting that you don't have an opinion and I am not being sarcastic. I guess I just get worked up about stuff.

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

Lea Militello is a corrupt cop who just happens to be a lesbian. She skillfully co-opted the gay lib spirit yesterday. Militello is a prime suspect for the death of Queen Nation in San Francisco in the 1990s and she is not trusted by many veteran street activists.

Charlotte said...

Michael, if what you say is true then I am disgusted and I undertand more of what didn't go down yesterday. I read only a couple of blurbs on your blog and just from that it's obvious you are more informed than I am. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.