Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why Moms Can't Go To The Bathroom

Or take a shower, or pay some bills, etc. Usually when I take a shower at home, and all 3 kids are present I leave out some snacks for them so they don't harass me. Because they have no problem barging into the bathroom and start begging for food while I am naked.

So I usually just put out this cupcake pan and fill it with snacks so they can help themselves. There is something for everyone in there: diced oatmeal cookies, cheerios and graham crackers, diced strawberries, diced apples, diced mozzarella cheese, and pretzels. Doing stuff like this makes me feel like a good little stay-at-home-mom. Everyone is happy! I get to shower with minimal harassment and they get to eat yummy snacks.
But today I just had to go to the bathroom. That's all. I wasn't even in there that long and everyone left me alone. Mike and Bekah were putting their clothes on in front of some cartoons, and well Jake was being quiet.

Jake was being too quiet. I left the bathroom to find him on the kitchen table chewing on apples. Not eating them, just chewing on them, spitting out the pieces and then throwing them on the floor.

I know exactly what happened, he was cruising along playing with that pink Care Bear and saw the sippy cup of water. So he decided to climb up there and get a drink and lo and behold a bowl full of apples.

Oh look there is another apple in front of the fridge. He threw that one pretty far.

The little monster is actually saying, "Cheese".

His cuteness is his best defense against child abuse.


Helen McGinn said...

*LOL* Do you ever just climb into the bath and sit there for ten minutes? I do. :O)
Helen x

Meg the Potty Animal said...

Ok that is too funny! What a little devil! I am going to try out the muffin pan though that is a great idea, maybe I will shower more and smell less!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. At least he likes apples!

Charlotte said...

Helen I wish!!!!

Meg you always smell nice.

Tasha you are right he is not a picky eater.

Jenna said...

I once went to the bathroom while nannying and had to *STOP* "halfway" because the girl was screaming Bloody murder.

The reason?

She saw a bug.

Outside. On the porch. Where bugs BELONG!

Charlotte said...

Jenna I am laughing my ass off! My daughter calls all bugs "bees" and bees scare me. But then I run out to help her and it's a ladybug.

drollgirl said...

hahahahah!!! your kids are sure lucky they are so cute!!!! i don't know how moms do it! you are a wonder.

and thank you so much for your sweet comment. i am pretty sure i sounded psycho in that post, but i have settled down since posting. it. we WILL reach a compromise on this thing. WE WILL. and i will have an escape vehicle ready for me at all times. i just have to!

Charlotte said...

I don't think you sounded psycho at all! We are what is called a social-introvert. We can mingle, but only for a set amount of time before having to take time for ourselves to re-group.

Unknown said...

My youngest would have dumped that whole tin and ground it into the carpet by the time my hair was wet. I can't just lock her in the bathroom while I shower either, she uses the drawers in the vanity like a ladder to climb into the sinks.

Charlotte said...

Oh man, I have a climber too. We have had to replace 3 drawer faces in the kitchen because he uses them as a ladder too.