Monday, April 20, 2009

Four-twenty, 4/20, 4-20, April 20th 2009

Ok so I live in the bay area, San Francisco Bay Area. Most of the time I feel like I live in a normal, albeit gorgeous, part of our United States. And then there are days like today. I felt like it was a holiday, a Federal holiday. Traffic was light, people were goofy, and my favorite radio stations were constantly playing music inappropriate for my kids. Damn. "Mommy, what's a bong?"

What the hell are you talking about, you ask? Uhm, click on the uhm. Read the definiton on Wikipedia and come back to me.

I am deadly serious when I ask my readers, does this happen where you live? Do your favorite rock stations play bong hit sound effects all day? Doobie Brother's songs? Skits from Cheech and Chong? Do you get to hear the original, Rainy Day Women at least 3 times in an 8 hour period? While running errands today did you hear more than 5 Grateful Dead tunes?

Don't get me wrong I have done my fair share of partying, but when I am driving my toddlers around all day and my 4 year old starts singing, "Smoke Two Joints".....I am not amused. Because today is a school day and we have been on spring break and now he is going to Pre-K singing songs about weed!!! I finally resorted to a painfully annoying kid's music c.d. , arrrghhh.

I love, love, love being a California native. I am a 6th, or 7th generation California native, depending on what relative you talk to and how much they have had to drink. But it can be rather isolating. If you never leave the bay area or don't give a shit what happens outside of the bay area, then you are sitting pretty. But I have lived in other places. London and Houston, if you want to really get outside of the box. The Dead was on tour in Europe when I lived in London, so I found kindred spirits. But Houston, Texas...............Nuke 'em.

When I lived in Houston, Texas, Jerry Garcia died. I was sad. I went to work that day and my colleagues asked,
"Why are you sad?",
I said, "Because Jerry died."
"Jerry Garcia!"
The 2 comments I got after that were, "Who?" or "So?"

I felt so alone, so far from home. I could only stand there with fists clenched and my eyes bugging out.

And recently Texas was reported to want to secede from the Union.....Buh Bye!


Anonymous said...

That's one of the reasons I prefer to listen to the Christian radio station here, far less swearing, etc

Charlotte said...

I am Jewish so that probably wouldn't work for me. And I like rock and reggae music which is fine to listen to in front of my kids, except for the morning shows that get out of control.

Kellie said...

Texas is already seemingly a different country in several ways. They have all kinds of different laws. Those dang weird Texans. :) J/k I actually really liked Texas the few times I've been there!

Charlotte said...

They are very particular about their freedoms. I remember that from living there and I mostly like Texans just not Texas.