Monday, April 27, 2009

Paranoia, Deep Destroyer

I just have to get this off my chest so I can get on with my day. And since there are no other adults present right now I will just have to put this on my blog.

This Swine Flu thing is freaking me out. The World Health Organization just raised their pandemic alert to a level 4 which is 2 levels short of a full-blown pandemic.

These are the main reasons this is freaking me out:

1. My bro and wife were here this weekend and she was sick with the flu. Fever, sore throat etc. They live in San Diego which is next to Mexico.

2. My oldest woke up with a 102 fever on Saturday and it peaked at 103. He was lethargic, had headache, sore throat, achy body and a cough. Now it's Monday and he's fine and my other 2 are fine. I have been lethargic all weekend and now my stomach is having some issues. Hopefully it's just P.M.S. and as for the lethargy I thought I was just depressed because my brother had left.

3. I am supposed to go see Chelsea Handler this weekend and stay in a fancy hotel as a Mother's Day gift. I would be so upset if that has to get cancelled!!!!

4. I also wanted to go buy something cute to wear this weekend but now I am chicken-shit to go to the mall. Last time I went to the mall some spazzy kid smacked Jake on the hand. No biggie, toddlers hit, I know this. The part that freaked me out was that his mom showed her apologies by kissing Jake and rubbing her hands all over his face! Who does that to somebody else's kid? That scared Jake more than the little boy smacking him. Sorry, now I am rambling.

Phew, I feel better thanks.

I bought too many oranges last week so now I am going to go make orange and chocolate cupcakes. I am making this recipe up so wish me luck. Writing and baking always calms me down.


drollgirl said...

it IS freaky!!! and we need to cut down on the population, but this is not the ideal way and i don't want to be a victim!!!

hang tight. i bet you and yours will be fine. :)

Clare said...

It is freaking me out A LOT! Like drollgirl said hang in there

Unknown said...

Very scary stuff! (Too scary for me to really write too much, actually ... I feel the same as you)

If your cupcakes turn out as tasty as they sound, will you share the recipe?

Unknown said...

I can't stand when people touch my kids. Little old ladies are the worst.

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to worry when it seems to be all over the news, but it helps me to keep perspective when I look at the actual numbers. 40 cases in the US (and no deaths) sounds like a lot but given the population it's not at all. I'd bet good money you'll be enjoying that fancy shmancy hotel this weekend. The only thing you should have to worry about is if you want red wine or white wine with dinner!

Charlotte said...

Sarah that's true huh? I think I will have red and white wine and some beer at least, woo hoo!

Michelle I don't mind friends and family smooching all over my kids but a random person, that's too weird!

Anonymous said...

Charlotte, look on the brightside...your husband must be v. busy with patients thinking they have it! Did you invent this so he would be busier therefore allowing you to buy more perfume! Raine

Charlotte said...

He was busier yesterday and his receptionist says they are starting to get questions. And you are right I invented this in my kitchen lab and then shipped it to Mexico in a box that said Free Frijoles.