Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Touching Blog Award

Ok so for you non-bloggers here is a little thing we like to do. We like to give each other awards. I have always thought they were cute and silly time-fillers, and I am so down with that. It gives you something to write about and lets you honor your other blogging buddies. Tonight something different happened. I was given an award by a person I have never met and the reasoning behind the award really touched me.

The person who gave it to me has a blog called Tasha's Truth. I can't remember how I found her blog, but I loved it. She is a teacher in a juvenile jail and writes about the youth she works with. I used to manage group homes and I can relate to her stories and the feelings they evoke in her. So I started following her. And then Tasha came to my blog and read it and left me a comment. I am para-phrasing right now, but it said something like I can't believe I have that much in common with a Jewish, married, mother. I read that comment and started looking over my shoulder and then realized she was talking about me. When I looked at her photo I connected with my inner twenty-something and then remembered I am not.

This award is given because:
1) The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2) The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3) There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
4) The Blog is refreshing and creative.
5) The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

I'm passing it on to:

1) Tasha, this is not a tit-for-tat kind of thing. I read your blog often and am usually too rushed to leave a comment. When you wrote that you yell at your students with your eyes so you don't have to raise your voice, I was struck by your excellent writing, and it made me try harder not to raise my voice to my kids. The eye yelling I already have down to a science.

2) Clare, you are sweetness and light, you are a dark horse. I met your husband before you, but not long before. We all met while we were all still in high school and now we are all "mums" as you would say. You come from the U.K. and you have adapted well, but there is a part of you that won't let go. And that is fine, honor your roots. I love your blog because most of the time it's light and fluffy and then you give us a glimpse of the deep Clare. The powerful Clare. And then you move on again. You remind me of grafitti I saw on a bathroom wall at a pub in London once, it said, "An American girl has to start a Harley by sucking on the tailpipe, an English girl just smiles.". Bitch that so describes you.

3) Meghan, when I was a little girl I wanted to be you. By the time I reach 50 I still don't think I will be as cool as you are. And bitch you aren't even 30 years old yet. You have it all: cool party chick with a career, laid back mom who honors her son's distinct personality, loyal friend, involved citizen and philanthropist, married to a hilarious husband who respects your choices. Your blog is matter of fact, here is my cute family, here is some stuff that makes me happy, if you don't like it then just move on. But for the love of G-d will you get rid of that song!!! LOL, I am not into country and it slows down your blog bigtime.

Great idea Tasha.


Meg the Potty Animal said...

Char - I love you! Thank you! You are so sweet! And I will work on changing that song right now!


Charlotte said...

I can't wait for this weekend, I can't wait for this weekend, I can't wait for this weekend!!!!!!!