Saturday, April 11, 2009

Passover 2009

We had our Passover Seder at Aunt Rabbi's house in Oakland. I was so proud, my kids sat through the majority of the Seder, which is a very long dinner reenacting the Jews escape from slavery. Not an easy task for toddlers to endure, and they did fabulous. Michael even yelled out, "Barack Obama!" and made everyone laugh. I don't know why he did that, but it was funny none the less.

Below are my 2 nieces, Kaitlyn and Haley. The blond is Haley and the brunette is Kaitlyn. They are 17 months apart just like my Mike and Bekah. And when all 5 of them are together they look like siblings. Haley took most of the pictures you are going to see below.
I love the Rabbi's house in Oakland, it's beautiful. It's so old it even has a basement, which is a rarity in earthquake prone California. That's Kaitlyn lifting Bekah into the air and Mike and Jake running around aimlessly.
That's my main squeeze posing with out firstborn. Mike has some stretchy pink bunny he got at preschool in front of his face. Can you see the beautiful kitchen behind the French doors? Some day I will have nice things when my kids are old enough not to destroy everything. Those French doors would last less than an hour at my house.

This picture is a little blurry but I just wanted to show off Bekah's cute dress. The belt has an orange butterfly on it.

That sheep goes everywhere with Jake.

Me and my girl. Thanks to Auntie M for lending me those pants. I am not as slender as her so I had to suck in my gut and then I was paranoid as hell I would stain them. I don't own any white items of clothing for obvious reasons. The next day they immediately went to the dry cleaners and even so I might owe her a new pair of pants.

Mike and that damn pink bunny.

Attempting a group photo. Where is my husband you ask. Inside eating my matzoh ball soup. Asshole! We rarely fight but I was pissed about that. And then he gave me shit for having a buzz on, well duh when you drink wine on an empty stomach that's what happens! I have forgiven him now. We made up on the living room floor. Our living room floor not the Rabbi's.

See Mike and Jake's pants? If there is wet grass, puddles, mud etc. my boys will find it. Bekah is more civilized. Even though she did spend 5 hours naked yesterday. It was inside our house, and she was wearing a shirt, but she had no interest in putting on her panties or any other item of clothing. Oh well.

Happy Passover!!!!


sexypoet said...

great pictures.. your kids are adorable!

Charlotte said...

Thanks, I have decided to keep them.

drollgirl said...

hope your passover was fabulous -- it sure looks like it was!

and i love matzoh ball soup. i don't know why i am telling you that, but i am. :)

Charlotte said...

I had to make more Matzoh ball soup on Thursday night since my husband ate mine on Wednesday night. It was super yummy!

Meg the Potty Animal said...

So adorable! Love the white pants - you are soooo Skinny! I like that you got your buzz on - that is what E gets for eating your soup! No soup for you!

Charlotte said...

Thanks I will tell Merrill you like them! Wow I haven't been called skinny since high school, you rock!! I can't wait until you can drink again.

Mickie said...

You look great in those pictures! The kids are obviously cute too, but those are some good pics of you.
Eric and I got into a fight once because I accidentally got him a steak burrito from High Tech Burrito and he'd wanted chicken. That's what your soup reminded me of.

Charlotte said...

LOL! "Food fights" are the silliest but the most heated! I ordered Erik fries once because he was eating all of mine and he had only ordered himself a salad. Then one time I got pissed because he got me a burrito with guac on it which makes me gag.

My niece Haley took those pics I will have to tell her what a good job she did. And thanks for the compliment.