Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekly < 30 minute Recipe #13

I am giving you the recipe for the easiest and best (healthwise) dessert ever! Chocolate-Covered Strawberries!!! People always get so intimidated by chocolate-covered strawberries that they don't even try to attempt them. They look so pretty sitting on a platter, all red and plump, covered with silky chocolate and a perky little green stem sticking out of the top. Just begging to be eaten. They must be hard to make right? Because nothing good in life is easy right? Usually that's true except for chocolate-covered strawberries.

People want to make them extremely difficult too, so if you look up a recipe it's going to call for a double boiler, 2 kinds of chocolate wafers, maybe even some butter. That is ridiculous!! Guess what I use? Strawberries, chocolate chips, microwave and wax paper. Does that sound difficult?

And the best part.............1 point each!

Chocolate-Covered Strawberries
12 large strawberries

Nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips
some paper towels
wax paper
a bowl

Rinse and COMPLETELY dry the strawberries. Line pretty platter with wax paper (or put wax paper on your kitchen counter, who cares?) Pour 1/4 to 1/2 the bag of chocolate chips into bowl and microwave for 45 seconds. Stir nuke some more if not melted. Don't let it turn into lava though. Once it's melted, grab strawberry and swirl into melted chocolate leaving enough space under stem so that when you pick them up you don't get chocolate under your fingernails. Lay them on wax paper. Repeat process with all strawberries and you may need to re-melt chocolate as it sets up, add more chips if you need to. Put in fridge until they are set, which is like 10 minutes. Lightly top with plastic wrap if you are not going to eat them right away so they don't take on the flavor of your fridge.

1 point per strawberry, Yummy!!!


sexypoet said...

wow, i never thought to melt chocolate in the microwave.. great tip!!

here is a tip for you if you really want to indulge.. get a large needle (i got mine from my doctor), inject the strawberries with your favorite liqueur. (i love amaretto which is almond or grand marnier which is orange.) then dip them and harden. you bite into a surprise. =) not sure what that would do to the points though.

drollgirl said...

yum yum and YUM!!!! easy! perfect!

Charlotte said...

I can ask my husband to bring a needle home from work! Great idea!