Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Feels the same.

So I woke up today thinking I was going to feel different because we have a black president but nope same old shit. Kind of like when you lose your virginity and you certainly don't feel more wise and womanly the next day.

The day started with way too many mammals in my bed, at a way too early time in the morning, and Bekah fell into the toilet which scared her to death and will delay potty training for another week. Jake had two poops so bad I had to change his clothes both times and it involved carpet cleaning, opening the windows and after the third time I washed my hands I still felt unclean and wanted to take a shower. I was tired and there was a ton of laundry to do and I ate too much Halloween candy.

I put on The View this morning to see if Elizabeth Hasselback (sp?) would show up and she was there and nobody beat her up. That was a little dissappointing. If I was on The View I would have got in her face and told her to, "Suck it!". That's probably why I am not on The View. And that's definitely why Rosie is not on The View anymore. Whoopie outclasses Rosie O'Donnell. There is no way she would have been able to keep her mouth shut today, that would have been awesome! Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Well I feel a little more positive with this outcome. The McCain/Palin presidency would have been a disaster... A partial quote from a news story about the riff between McCain and Palin;
"the mounting turmoil of a campaign that was described even by many Republicans as incoherent, negative and badly run."
Can you imagine if they won the Presidency?
That thought always scared the hell out of me.

Charlotte said...

I kept thinking what if McCain died? She may be fine as Gov. of Alaska but President of the United States?! That is absolutely frightening. Turns out her shopping spree was more than originally let on too.

Unknown said...

Oh come on!! Imagine the possibilities?! Tina Fey would takeover and it'll be like 30 Rock. The world will continue to laugh at us. So, what's new? (Seriously, it's like that show when Kevin Kline or whatever his name was an actor that stood in for the VP.)

Charlotte said...

I want the world to start laughing with us not at us anymore.