Monday, November 24, 2008

Fetus? But My Name is Michael

My 4 year old was asking about sex today, but he didn't know it. While taking Mike to pre-K this afternoon he busts out with:

"How come I didn't go to the wedding?"

"What wedding?!"

"You and daddy's wedding, was I a tiny baby in your tummy?"

"No honey, you weren't in my tummy yet." Contrary to what some people believe.

"Where was I being a baby at?" Uh-oh!

"Uhm, well you weren't a baby yet. A part of you was in mommy and a part of you was in daddy and when we got married then you became a baby inside me.". Please, please, please don't ask for more, I am not ready for this.

"And then I was Michael.".

"Well we had to wait a while before we called you Michael, we didn't know you were going to be a boy right away. "

"What did you call me?"

"Well when a baby is really little inside a tummy it's called a fetus."

"Fetus?! You called me fetus?! But my name is Michael!".

"But we didn't know you were Michael yet!"

"Did you call Bekah fetus?"


"Did you call Jakey fetus?"


"That's silly."

"I know. Wow, look at that big truck over there."


Clare said...

priceless charlotte. I like leaving comments rather than the reaction box.

Charlotte said...

Hi Clare! I like comments too because then I can really know what's going on in people's heads and who my friends are! # : ) Of course I have a lot of busy mom friends and sometimes checking a box is all we can do.

Hey I think somebody clicked on your site from mine so that's cool.

Clare said...

Oh! how cool! how do you know that? from one of your dealybobs on your blog?

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Great story Charlotte. Having my morning cup 'o joe and enjoying your posts...xo

Charlotte said...

Thanks Jamie! I am having my coffee too and gonna jump in the shower before taking Bekah to her Friendship Feast at preschool. No longer allowed to call holidays as they are which makes sense to me with Christmas but Thanksgiving is secular! Makes me scratch my head.

Anonymous said...

he he he, I used to love and fear those conversations! Michael is such a cutie!

Charlotte said...

I do fear those conversations, it won't be the last! A cutie he is, thanks!

Anonymous said...

These conversations are priceless! I love that you are writing them up like that, I will have to do that when Christopher gets more chatty. Right now it is more interpretting what the heck he is saying!!! -B.W.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Friendship Feast! Oh my gosh. That really makes me laugh. Well Charlotte, I hope you and your family have a great THANKSGIVING. (-: I mean c'mon. Giving Thanks. Food. What?!

Charlotte said...

Barbara I totally understand Christopher because I speak toddlerese. My sitter thinks I am nuts because she only understands a few words that Jake says but I know he has a much bigger vocab.

Charlotte said...

Jamie I really don't get that one either. There is NOTHING religious or offensive about Thanksgiving. Well except maybe the sin of gluttony....

What cracks me up is that Mike's Pre-K teacher is in her 60's and she knows Indians is the wrong term but she is old school so she puts "Native American Indians" on all their lesson plans.

Happy Thanksgiving!