Saturday, November 15, 2008

Must Clean Kitchen

Ugh I sat down to eat a sandwich and now I really don't want to get up. Jake was up at 5:30a again so Erik let me sleep alone in the bed until 7:30a and then I let Erik nap until almost 9a. And I still want to go back to bed, I am soooo tired.

But I need to rally while Jake is napping and Erik has Mike and Bekah. I need to bust a move in my dirty house and filthy kitchen. After naptime we are going to Merrill and Chris's housewarming and tommorrow we are having Nana Jan's 60th birthday here so I need to clean now.

Ok one more thing. Some friends of friends may be splitting up. I know these people just peripherally but it still makes me super sad. Makes me appreciate my husband so much more. I just can't imagine leaving him or him leaving me. And with kids involved it's just too depressing and incomprehensible to me.

Makes me want to send Erik flowers and candy.

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