Monday, November 3, 2008

Tommorrow is the Day!

Don't forget to vote tommorrow. Let's all channel Obama's Grandma. Her name is Madelyne if you need a name to pray with. Yes I am going to get all cosmic and spiritual on your ass for a second. Look this is important, not just for our country but for our planet and our planet is ruled by other planets etc. etc.

Dear Madelyne must have passed today for a reason. Her beloved Grandson may or may not be voted into the next presidency tommorrow. Now we have all heard stories, whether it be Hollywood or personal, where a sick and elderly person held on to life to complete a mission. Both Johnny Cash and Ray Charles died right before the stories of their lives hit the big screens but they had both worked on perfecting their story so the truth came out. Once they knew that was going to happen they were able to leave this planet in peace. Maybe Madelyne knew that her legacy would continue with her grandson, and she was able to leave in peace. So it's our responsiblity to make sure that happens.

Ok I will stop.

So earlier today I passed out door hangers for local Democrats with Mike and Jake. I probably broke some child labor laws but it's for a good cause. Actually they sent us out into a neighborhood in Walnut Creek where only half the streets had sidewalks, so only half the stuff got hung up because I wasn't risking my children's lives. This election is important but not that important.

Earlier this evening our friend called to talk to Erik and started asking about me and the recent drama. I was shocked realizing that a guy friend had heard about this mama drama and actually called my husband to ask about it. And of course Erik was telling him his version of events which is wrong and then joking about living with a social pariah and leper colonies etc. etc. Meanwhile I am convulsing in the corner begging for the phone. I finally get it and set the record somewhat straight, I won't lie, I can do positive spin. One of his co-workers is a member of that mom's club and mentioned some of what was going on, that's how a random guy found out. Turns out she is on my side so that was comforting. San Ramon is a small town.

Vote for Obama.

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