Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's all about me, not you!

Last night I had a dream that I was in bookstore and found one of my old journals on a bookshelf. It doesn't take Freud to figure what that meant. My blog is my online journal that I let people look at. And even though this is my intellectual property if I put the names of real people in here I have to take responsibility for that.

A few times this week I have been asked to change some stuff on my blog. The first person to do so is a beloved friend. A rational, loving, kind and well-balanced person that I would take a bullet for with no hesitation. So I dropped everything I was doing and complied with her request.

Another person, quite unlike the person described above, also asked me to do so. No. I have also received a thinly veiled threat of a lawsuit.

I know, I know. You are thinking "What?! Really?! Are you shitting me?!" No I am not. Even though this blog was originally started as a creative outlet for me some people actually enjoy reading it. I am very flattered by that. But there are also some people who enjoy reading it so they can cause drama and strife.

Some people have started to read it because it's becoming a little bit like Jerry Springer and they think it's funny, I am ok with that too. I slow down on the freeway to look at car wrecks too. But some people are reading it because they are the type fo people who like to pick scabs and then get upset when they bleed.

So today instead of sweating off Halloween candy on the treadmill I am going through my entire blog and removing names. I am using my gym's free WiFi and day care because I am paranoid enough to believe this thinly veiled threat.

I am very angry about this. After today if you read a description of a person and you think it's about you, it's not. I know the old saying is if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck then it must be a duck. When it comes to my blog that saying does not hold true. If I actually don't name it duck, then it's not a duck, it's a unicorn.

Even if you swear up and down the person I am describing is you, it's not. Even if you really want it to be you, it's not. Even if anywhere I go or groups I belong to sound familiar, they are not. It's a coincidence or a complete fabrication. This blog now exists in a identical twin parallel universe. And my universe is better than your's and crazy, psycho, drama queens are not welcome. Lawyers aren't welcome either. Unless I was already friends with them before today.

But if you are angry and just really, really have to say something to me about it. Don't email me, please feel free to leave a comment on my blog. That way everyone can share my joy. Save the drama for your mama and vote for Obama. That came from a friend but I can't put her name here anymore.

Remember it's all about me, not you!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

there is such an option as making things private, that way you control who read it ...and who you insult.

A bully is a bully..even if they blame it on pot smoking and pregnancy! Be an adult and take responsibility..and only apologize when you are sincere..otherwise it reeks of shit!

Charlotte said...

Actually I think that is a diaper you smell. I will go take care of it right now.

elanmc said...

"A bully is a bully" - even if they do hide behind an anonymous tag.

Charlotte said...

Thanks Friend! I let that comment through because I wanted to share the "joy" I am experiencing. Too bad Joy is a chicken. I can't put up with poultry abuse so please go easy on Joy.

I do appreciate your support though, alot.

Anonymous said...

Women for Palin.....Just Kidding!!! I've got your back sister.

Charlotte said...

Seriously now if Palin wasn't so willing to shoot stuff out of helicopters and take away the rights of women, she might be kind of fun to party with. But even I have some standards.