Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

It was fabulous! I have no pics though because I always have my hands full chasing the monkeys.

My mom spent the night Wednesday night and that was great. We hit the gym Thursday morning after Triple A came and put a new battery into my van, sigh. Then we went to Auntie M's for an out of control feast! Jake had a 10 minute nap the whole day so of course by the end he was pretty cranky. Otherwise it was good, clean fun.........well Mike did stick his hand in a pile of dog poop in the backyard.

I am proud of myself for getting to the gym everday this holiday weekend but it's not going to make a dent in the calories that I have consumed. Mashed potatoes with 1/2 a stick of melted butter for breakfast is not on anyone's healthy diet. I would have to swim the English Channel to burn off those calories.

Ugh I am writing this at the gym and now I am being paged. I wonder which one of my savage kids are causing problems.


Anonymous said...

Charlotte, I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving. And good for you on the exercise front- I am impressed!!!

Charlotte said...

Thanks Barb! Would be more impressive if I showed restraint in the eating dept.