Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama's Grandma

How sad his grandma died! The grandmother that was hugely responsible for his upbringing died today.

I don't care who you support for president that is sad. I mean if you were running for president and your beloved grandmother or mother died the day before you were to be voted into sad.

Oh yeah and that other mom's club in San Ramon that I never belonged to, has to now come up with a code of conduct. That would be funny if I didn't really like the president of that mom's club that I never belonged to.


Anonymous said...

I know you don't want to hear this, but I had to laugh when I looked at your blog today in the "advertising" section on the left was a vote yes on 8. I almost fell over. I KNOW you didn't put that there, but what a STRANGE coincidence.

Charlotte said...

I know, I know. I try not to get worked up about it. I am assuming that Google ads picks up on key words and sets ads accordingly. They forgot the "NO" and just focused on the "8". One day I had an ad for adult diapers! LOL