Sunday, November 9, 2008

Husband's 20th High School Reunion

Last night Erik and I traveled 15 minutes to Walnut Creek to attend his 20th high school reunion. He graduated in 1988 from Northgate High School in Walnut Creek. It was being held at the Marriott in Walnut Creek and we stayed the night there and it was bliss not waking up to multiple mammals in our bed.

I didn't know anyone except Erik but by the end of the night I had met some nice people. Erik was tripping out on seeing some people and they were feeling the same. 20 years is a long time. The party moved into the bar and that's when things got really fun. One guy was wasted and his shirt was untucked and his penis was hanging out. Classy. He also stuck his hand up a woman's skirt when she almost fell over. She was drunk too. That was highly entertaining.

Then I was talking to one of Erik's classmates, a gorgeous 6 ft. 3 in. woman, and this party crasher walks up to us. It was obvious because he starts saying oh yeah I am so-and-so's cousin by marriage and he is having an after party want to come. And I am like I talked to your cousin earlier this evening and he didn't mention you were going to stop by how interesting, what year did you graduate. And he says 1967!!! We started cracking up and he left. What an idiot!!

The D.J. also didn't seem to realize when 1988 was because he put on the song Hotel California by The Eagles and yells, "Hey everybody where were you when you first heard this song?". Uhm first grade?

Now I am actually getting excited for mine. Del Mar Class of 1989. Woo Hoo!


Anonymous said...

Funny how some people don't change much in 20 years. Glad you had a good time.

Charlotte said...

Well since that was the first time I got the pleasure of meeting this guy I couldn't say if he has always been that way. Probably a safe assumption though, and probably why he is single.