Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Well usually I check email during naptime but my inbox hasn't been this empty since the early '9o's. The advantages of being a social pariah.

I took Jake grocery shopping and what should have been a short trip was really long. But I didn't mind. Jake managed to say,"Hi", to every single person in Safeway. And since he has a big smile,big dimples, big brown eyes and big blonde curls, every single person said, "Hi", back. Even when I was loading the groceries into the trunk of Erik's car a couple driving by rolled down their window and said, "Good-bye", to Jake. He was extremely popular.

I even ran into my ex-boyfriend's mom, who loves me and is a very sweet person. Jake was adorable for her too and she filled me in on her family, including my ex-boyfriend's kids and wife. Very interesting.

This week is crazy busy. Monday I am handing out door hangers for Democrats and taking Jake and Mike with me since Bekah will be in school. Tuesday is the big day! I will be voting of course and taking my sitter Sarah to vote to make sure she does it. Then I will be meeting friends for lunch and then going to an election party at a friend's house. Wednesday I need to work-out and hopefully will not have to loot and riot. Looting and rioting will be mandatory if Obama loses. Thursday I need to get the gray covered. Friday is temple playgroup with Jake and then after that I need to get all my hangnails cut off because Erik's 20 year high school reunion is Saturday night in Walnut Creek. We are spending the night at the hotel so we can have a bed with no monkeys in it the next morning. I can't wait!!!!

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